
GT 1 - Interdisciplinary Dialogues: arts for and about childhood

Ludmila Carvalho – CECULT/ UFRB
Paula Lice – CECULT/ UFRB
Mônica Menezes Santos – UFBA

The Workgroup “Interdisciplinary Dialogues: arts for and about childhood” aims to bring together researchers who investigate artistic and cultural artifacts produced for/about children, seeking to question and, consequently, broaden the connections established by the modern notion of childhood. The Workgroup encompasses either works focused on the analysis of the creative process(es), producers and/or products intended for this audience. It also includes reflections on ways of looking at the diversity that constitutes such an audience, as well as research that focuses on the presence, production, and circulation of artistic works by and for children in educational contexts. The Workgroup will therefore receive proposals that discuss the multiplicity of artistic and cultural works intended for children, contributing to the expansion of debates around the knowledge/power produced about/for childhood and what we currently call the culture (or cultures) of childhood.

GT 2 - Healing and creative practices

Carolina de Paula Diniz - CECULT/UFRB
Lia da Rocha Lordelo - CECULT/UFRB
Elke Siedler - UNESPAR

This work group is interested in gathering investigations of practices which experiment frictions between creative processes and healing processes - some of these experiments gained strength during the pandemic. We are looking to gather professionals, artists, students and people curious about the fields of performing arts, health and integrative and complementary practices. We explore the notion of healing as actualization of reality and health as creative production of life and continuous caring of oneself.

GT 3 - Visual and sound poetics for the scene

José Roberto Santos Sampaio - CECULT/ UFRB
Luciana Liege Bonfim Brito - UFBA

A space for the research and investigation of the visualities of the scene in the various artistic languages, as well as the sonority for the scene, in order to broaden the reflections, from the creative process to the final artistic product, in the perspective of the technologies of the scene, expanding the specialized academic discussion in this vast space of knowledge, seeking connections with other existing work groups (WGs) that deal with the same theme.

GT 4 - Literatures that provoke: translocated and deranged contemporaneity

Rubens da Cunha CECULT/UFRB
Viviane Ramos de Freitas CECULT/UFRB
Waleska R. M. Oliveira Martins CECULT/UFRB
Moisés Alves – UEFS

We propose this WG for works that deal with literature in its relations with the bodies, cultures, identities and other artistic languages (performance, audio/visual, slams, dance, visual arts, etc.) that are outside the hegemonic axes. We are interested in literatures that are in dialogue with the notions of afrographies, oralituras, epistemologies of the global south, escrevivências, literatures in/of diasporas, memories and resistances, trembling thinking, queer poetics, among others that deal with contemporaneity beyond Eurocentric literary notions. Such propositions include critical writings that are simultaneously theoretical-poetic-experimental, in which the exercise of art criticism can become a gesture of loving and radical participation of the work, germinating other modes of alliance with theory and ways of life.

GT 5 - Migration and narratives

Sarah Roberta de Oliveira Carneiro - CECULT/UFRB
Mônica Menezes – UFBA 
Márcio Pereira – UFC 

Those who live abroad no longer have under them the protection network that the country of origin extends to every human being, where they have family, colleagues, friends, and where they are understood without difficulty in the language they have been able to speak since childhood”, sayz Milan Kundera in his book “A Insustentável Leveza do Ser”. Yes, to migrate is to lose the reliable space of before and open oneself to the unknown that comes after landing in uncharted lands. It's about moving the body away and discovering more about yourself, the other and the world. To migrate is to be other versions of who you are, because being in initially unknown lands, everything is an invitation to embody another actor. This WG covers communications that encompass the connection between migration and narratives, with special interest in the dimension of interculturality and the cosmopolitan bias.

GT 6 - Music and communication studies

Tatiana Rodrigues Lima – CECULT/ UFRB
Nadja Vladi – CECULT/ UFRB
Juliana Gutmann - UFBA

The WG welcomes studies with themes at the interface between communication, music and decolonial epistemologies. It aims to bring together approaches to urban and oral tradition music from communicational, racial, ethnic, gender, post-gender, sexuality and intersectional perspectives. Also of interest are analyses of communicational forms related to music; studies on media products, formats and flows; dynamics of musical production, circulation and consumption; discussions on musical and media genres. It also seeks to discuss audibilities and sensibilities related to the sound experience; soundscapes; socio-political aspects in interface with music; relationships between materialities and communication technologies; music and identifications; Afro-Latin musical scenes and Afro-diasporic territorialities; audiovisualities, musical and media performances; histories of oral or written music; communicational processes involving music, audiences and work.

GT 7 - Work in the field of music in Brazil: perspectives for the 21st century

Rodrigo Heringer Costa – CECULT/ UFRB
Luciana Requião – UFF 

The main objective of the WG is to promote exchanges and debates among researchers focused on the study of the transformations that have occurred in the world of music work. Submissions are encouraged on topics such as music education in its interlocutions with the labor market, the labor relations of musician and their characteristics, musical work in historical perspective, the transformations of labor practice in the field of music, legislation for work, psychodynamics of work, contemporary forms of objectification of musical work, trade unionism, entrepreneurship, music economy, inequalities common to the configuration of work in the area from an intersectional perspective, intersections of musical performance with other fields of the music production chain, among other topics of manifest relationship with the theme addressed here.

GT 8 - Anarchic and sensorial methodologies

Lia da Rocha Lordelo – CECULT/ UFRB  
Pedro Amorim Filho – CECULT/ UFRB  
Laura Castro de Araújo –  UFBA

Anarchic and sensorial methodologies can be understood as a field of pedagogical and artistic possibilities that expand, liberate, cut up or produce tension in academic and pedagogical practices, not disregarding scientific rigor. The group will accept works that report experiences that produce (or have produced) some kind of knowledge and might contribute to the epistemology of contemporary science field, to teaching/learning relations from a methodological perspective that takes distance from normative hegemonic practices, prioritizing an interdisciplinary perspective - meaning also curiosity, sensitivity and restlessness.

GT 9 - Cultural policy and management: ways of thinking, organizing and making

Luciano Simões – CECULT/ UFRB  
Mariella Pitombo – CECULT/ UFRB  
Sophia Rocha –  UFBA

This WG seeks to gather theoretical and empirical studies with a broad spectrum of approaches on the different ways of thinking, organizing and making policies and the management of culture. It intends to include studies on cultural policies from different approaches that may involve conceptual and methodological discussions, comparative, historical and institutional analyses. It seeks to comprehend cultural management practices of groups, collectives and cultural institutions, in order to embrace disruptive experiences and practices that go beyond the technical formulas for making and organizing cultural production. It also gather studies on cultural financing, cultural economy and creative economy, markets, sectors, and cultural production chains, as well as analyses of audiences and cultural consumption practices. It also collects transversal themes such as ethnic-racial and gender relations and the way they appear (or disappear) in the formulation of cultural public policies and in cultural management practices.

GT 10 - (Re)making memory, space and cultures

Thaís Fernanda Salves de Brito – CECULT/ UFRB  
Jorge Luiz Ribeiro de Vasconcelos – CECULT/ UFRB  
Alexandre Araújo Bispo  –  UNILAB

It is interested in research on spaces and territorialities; artistic, aesthetic and everyday experiences; memories, memories and memories and their interfaces with the transmission and manufacture of culture. It is expected to contribute to a reflection on artistic and cultural processes, on social practices, social experiences with territories, the possibilities of (inter) communication of knowledge and continuous exercise of skills in the flows and transits of memory.