The Center for Culture, Languages and Applied Technologies - CECULT of the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia - UFRB - invites the academic community to participate in the IV ENICECULT - International Meeting of Culture, Languages and Technologies of the Recôncavo, which will take place on October 19 and 20 at CECULT / UFRB, in the city of Santo Amaro - BA.

With the theme Refazendo, the IV Enicecult aims to discuss the dynamics of sociocultural processes based on the links between subjectivities, materialities and becomings. Far from being static, cultures are always remaking themselves, in a continuous and uninterrupted movement that both generates new configurations and resignifies those already existing. In this edition, Enicecult will take place in conjunction with the fifth edition of the of the Sound Landscape Festival - Training, Management and Dissemination of Music, which will highlight the strength of traditions originating from indigenous matrices in the cultural identity of the Recôncavo da Bahia.

The IV Enicecult will take place in person and submissions can be made by master's, master's, doctoral and doctoral students for the Working Groups - WGs -, and by high school students and undergraduates for the poster session, whose menus are available at the link About. To do so, it is necessary to register for the event through the website enicecultufrb.org and make the submission for one of the WGs or for the poster session, according to the norms present in the template, available in Submissions. More information at quartoenicecult@gmail.com

The deadline for submitting proposals is September 15. The result will be announced by September 30.